
Brush truck stolen from fire fireground in Sullivan, MO

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In Sullivan, Missouri firefighters were fighting a two-alarm apartment around 3:00 Thursday morning when one of their rigs vanished and didn’t turn up for two hours. According to Sullivan Fire Chief Rick White, the missing vehicle was an $80,000 brush truck that had been parked on the fireground.


Chief White said, “Never happened here it’s a marked truck says fire all over it red lights on it.”  People were stunned something like that could happen in their community.  Rick Webb is a former firefighter, “It’s pretty sad it makes you feel bad that society around here is capable of something like that.”

Police started searching and two hours later the fire truck was found about a half mile away on a dead end street, nothing taken and it was not damaged.  Chief White added, “It’s just different, we never had anything happen like that before.”


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