
Rekindle of fire in Neligh, Nebraska destroys home

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More pictures & video of both fires at Antelope County News

Video above from Antelope County News and brief video below from Nelighnews of a house fire yesterday (Thursday) just before 4:00 p.m. at 807 East 3rd Street in Neligh, Nebraska. Unfortunately the home was found burning again around 2:00 this morning (bottom image).  A wall mounted heater in the garage is being blames for the initial fire.

Antelope County News:

“It happened that fast. The call came in at 2:13,” Neligh Fire Chief Mike Mortensen said. “It’s crazy, but it happens and it’s not the first time it’s happened. It’s just disappointing because the guys pride themselves on their ability to save structures, and this initially was a save.”

The last truck left the original scene around 8 p.m. Mortensen said nothing in the home showed above 90 degrees on the infrared when firefighters cleared the location.

Mortensen said he suspects the flare-up was caused by a hot spot in the insulation on the south side of the home above the cubby hole.

“The problem is the way the house was constructed made it difficult to fight the fire,” Mortensen said. “There were so many roof pitches because it was added on to and remodeled.” –

NE Neligh home burns again 1-16-15

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