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Must see video: Man apologizes for traffic confrontation with FDNY firefighter

Well, this is a new one on me. It’s dash-cam video from a driver, who posts on YouTube as The Roads Here Suck. The man drove his vehicle around FDNY Ladder 102 as the rig was attempting to back into quarters at 850 Bedford Avenue in Brooklyn early Friday morning. He was not happy a firefighter quickly stepped in front of the vehicle and blocked his path. You can hear him express his unhappiness to the firefighter.

But you have to go beyond the confrontation for the most unusual part. That’s when the man calls himself an “asshole” and explains what an idiot he was for driving around the ladder truck and then expressing his anger to the firefighter. He also says he personally apologized to the firefighter.

We know there are a lot of stupid, thoughtless drivers out there who pay little attention to emergency vehicles, but probably only a very small number who willingly admit they were wrong and then publicly shame themselves.

NY Brooklyn Ladder 102 confrontation 1

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