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Spalding County, Georgia official says report calls for at least one person to be fired over cell phone video of dead woman. Suspended firefighter identified.

Previous coverage of this story

New information this evening about the cell phone video taken of the dead body of 23-year-old Dayna Kempson-Schacht in side her crumpled car last July. WKEU Radio and  WAGA-TV''s Darryl Carver are identifying the firefighter who has already been suspended. From WAGA

Spalding County's board of supervisors met Tuesday to determine the fate of Spalding County firefighter Terrence Reid, who allegedly took video of a gruesome fatal accident.

The board announced that it is recommending that at least one person will be fired as a result of the controversy, but that person won't be named until the full investigation is concluded.

Interim Assistant Spalding County Manager Virginia Martin said, "There are times when it's acceptable for photos or videos to be taken for training purposes or scene documentation. It is my understanding that this is not.

"This was a personal cell phone for personal use – whatever that might be. We don't find it acceptable at all. And we are horrified that the parents had been exposed to this video."

From WKEU Radio

Spalding County has issued a photo and named the Fireman who videoed with his cell phone a deceased victim of a auto accident in July. Terrence Reid was identified in an e-mail forwarded to WKEU on Tuesday.

Following the release of the Name and Photo of the Fireman in question the County issued the following press release. And we quote:

“At this time, there will be no formal statement from Spalding County regarding the investigation into the videotaping at the July 17, 2010 accident scene where Ms. Dayna Kempson-Schacht lost her life.

The initial report has been received from the Balch Law Group and the County Manager and Board of Commissioners. That report contains a great deal of information about the incident and about the conditions which might have led to a situation wherein recording of this video and its release appeared acceptable to those involved. The Board and County administration want to insure that the decisions made with regard to any personnel actions are reasoned and supported by all the available evidence as well as being in compliance with the County’s Personnel Ordinance, so they are continuing to review the report and gather additional facts. Decisions with regard to any personnel actions as well as release of the report will be forthcoming as those decisions are made and in accordance with Georgia’s Open Records laws.

Virginia C.S. Martin, Esq.

Interim Assistant County Manager

Spalding County, Georgia

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