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Helmet-cam & radio traffic: Pre-dawn firebombing of Harrisburg, PA rowhouse

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Above is another video posted by Harrisburg Fire Department Lt. Brian Bastinelli. It’s from a fire at a home that was firebombed early Monday morning. Immediately below is Brian’s description. Further down are details about the fire on N. Fourth Street.

Just before 6 am on 20JAN14 Box 1-3 was alerted for a house fire.

Harrisburg companies arrived to find a row of 16 three story homes of ordinary construction with one home well involved and fire extending in either direction.

This video is from the helmet cam of Squad 8 A Platoon Pipeman Jeff ‘Skull’ Miller.

This is a great example of how we are routinely forced to work with low manpower to get the job done.

In this video this three story home has 2 firefighters assigned to it for a majority of the fire.

They are responsible for being both the engine and the truck.

We realize that some may not understand or support this practice, but when you have what you have you must learn to adapt and get the job done.

PA Harrisburg rowhouse fire 1-20-14

John Luciew,

In the pre-dawn dark, someone ignited a container of unknown fuel and threw it on the porch of a row house at 2128 N. Fourth St., home to 10 people, including children.

But as Harrisburg Fire Chief Brian D. Enterline reported these grim facts at an afternoon press conference held in front of the charred, hollowed-out homes, he said he is not worried that the city faces a rash of repeat incidents. Although Enterline called arson “a national epidemic,” he said the signs of this case point to a more isolated incident. However, he would not elaborate.

City, state and county fire officials made the determination in calling the fire a firebomb arson. He said remnants of the firebomb device – basically a container filled with fuel, then ignited – have been collected and sent to labs for analysis.


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