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Caught on video: Explosion during Beloit, WI house fire

The The Janesville Gazette post of video by neighbor Jim Tropp taken during a fire and explosion Friday night around 10:00 in the 1300 block of Merrill Street in Beloit, Wisconsin.

An aggressive and highly explosive fire late Friday night left two families displaced and damaged six residential structures.

A garage, filled with 80 gallons of oil, a propane tank, oxygen tank, settling tank and numerous vehicles for an at-home auto repair operation, burned and started the accompanying house on fire.

The house and garage next door to the east also sustained fire damages as well as a garage across the alley from the home. Another house, 200 feet away, also suffered damage from a stray piece of shrapnel resulting from an explosion in the oil-filled garage.

So what’s your vote after reading the excerpt above? Was it a “settling tank” in that garage or possibly the reporter misunderstood and it was actually an “acetylene tank”?

WI Beloit explosion 1 5-9-14

WI Beloit explosion 2 5-9-14

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