
What have we become? Is there no end to this madness?

Ladies and gentlemen. That little penguin is a menace to society. You in the fire service, if you see one just like it, smash it to the ground. Stomp on it if you have to. Take a Halligan to its head if necessary. Then look at its owner and say merry Christmas. You just saved that person’s life. This could be your ticket to a gold medal at next year’s ceremony.

The AP explains:

Talk about going from cold to hot. Approximately 7,000 snowman snow globes are being recalled for posing a fire hazard.

The transparent globes at the center of these snowman-shaped knickknacks can magnify the intensity of sunlight passing through the glass, causing nearby objects to catch on fire.

Importer Hallmark Cards of Kansas City has received two reports of these Chinese-made globes causing surrounding objects to ignite.

The snowmen globes were sold at Hallmark Gold Crown stores around the country in October and November. They can be returned for a full refund.

For more information, consumers can call 800-425-5627.)

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