
And by the way, there was also a fire going on

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Judging from this video by Joe Fanaselle, the house fire was the least dramatic thing going on Thursday evening in this Lakeland Village, California (Riverside County) neighborhood. The video shows a man and a woman taken into custody by sheriff’s deputies and others not happy about the arrests or Mr. Fanaselle shooting the scene.

Here’s an excerpt from the description with the video:

During the incident, a woman who appeared to live in the home attempted several times to push her way past emergency workers and enter the home. She became very agitated and endured a lenghty struggle with Riverside County Sheriff’s Deputies before being taken into custody. According to the Sheriff’s Department, she was transported to a local hospital to undergo a mental health evaluation.

During this confrontation, another man at the scene (who had earlier claimed to be the homeowner) began to attack me as I shot video of the incident, shoving me, throwing punches (none of which landed) and trying to grab my camera equipment. A woman who was with him was spashing water on me from a water bottle at the same time.

Renee Schiavone, LakeElsinore-Wildomar Patch:

Irbin Franco, 23, of Wildomar, was arrested Wednesday night on suspicion of obstructing a public safety official after he allegedly stymied Riverside County fire crews as they attempted to knock down a blaze in the 33200 block of Tetterington Street, near Hays Avenue, according to Riverside County sheriff’s and fire department officials.

Sheriff’s Lt. David Knudson said deputies were called to the scene for crowd control and to close the street, but instead had to contend with Franco and a woman “acting erratically” and trying to prevent firefighters from doing their job.

CA Lakeland Village house fire 2 3-20-14

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