
9/11 stolen valor case: ‘Based on his uniform he’s from another planet’

Radio host Matt "The Captain" Bruce says he was buried alive at Ground Zero & a lot of other things he hasn't proved

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Have you seen the man in the picture above? Have you heard his syndicated radio show “Captain’s America Third Watch” on the same network as the “Alex Jones Show”? A Florida newspaper says there’s a lot to doubt about the man who refers to himself as “The Captain”. In particular, his claim of being trapped for hours at Ground Zero on 9/11 and his storied military career. Asked by Observer reporter James Peter to prove any part of his fire service and military record, so far, all Matt Bruce has produced a lot of “The dog ate my homework” excuses.

The best description of “The Captain” comes from retired Syracuse Fire Department chief Mark McLees. Upon viewing the uniform Bruce wore at a 9/11 ceremony this month at a Florida cemetery, McLees said, “Based on his uniform he’s from another planet.”

Back here on earth, the Syracuse Fire Department is one of a number of organizations “The Captain” claims to have worked with, served with or trained with who have no records of connections with Matt Bruce. Bruce claims various clandestine operations related to his military and firefighting career apparently necessitated keeping his records from prying eyes.

Here’s an excerpt from the article by Peter. I encourage you to read it all. You will likely find little of Matt Bruce’s story that adds up. It will likely leave you wondering how this one got by so many for so long. If anyone should be thanked for their service on this one it’s probably reporter Peter.

He was trapped for 13 hours in the rubble of the World Trade Center on 9/11.

That’s what conservative radio host Matt Bruce told an audience this year during the Remembrance of 9/11 ceremony at Sarasota National Cemetery.

“‘Mayday, mayday, mayday,’ those (calls) were real,” said Bruce during his speech. “And I probably was one of them.”

No way. Hell no. Not a chance.

Those were the reactions of current and retired firefighters from the city and state of New York to Bruce’s story of survival.

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